Deciding On A Career In the Dental Field

Is It Too Late For Senior Citizens To Benefit From Orthodontics?

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If you are like many people, the word orthodontics automatically brings to mind the smile of a teenager and a mouth full of of metal. Unfortunately, not everyone was lucky enough to get them at the right age, while others needed them long before the technology was easily accessible. Therefore, it is important to note that many older individuals are benefiting from orthodontics, often without the all-encompassing metal device that so many people dread.…

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Why See A Dentist When You Can't Sleep?

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Uninterrupted sleep is very important to a person’s overall health. Sleep is when the body renews and restores its cells and builds up the energy needed for the next day. As important as it is, getting a good night’s sleep is also a challenge for many people. If you find that you can’t sleep, consider how a dentist can help you with certain health conditions that can be getting in the way of your rest.…

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Two Tips To Maintain Gum Health While Bleaching Your Teeth At Home

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Bleaching your teeth at home after consulting with your dentist is a great way to significantly whiten your smile without spending too much money. But while most home bleaching products are safe to use regularly, improper application can potentially damage your fragile gums. So especially if you have a history of gum pain, take these two tips to maintain gum health while bleaching your teeth at home to heart. Keep Excess Liquid On Whitening Strips Off Your Gums…

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