Deciding On A Career In the Dental Field

The Basics Of Dental Implant Issues

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Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth without having to worry about shifting or other issues that can come with bridges. Implants provide you with a permanent solution to the problem, and the implant end up resembling your natural teeth. Unfortunately, implants aren’t immune to problems. Dental implants have been known to fail in the past. Understanding the signs and causes can help you address any issues right away.…

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What Happens To Your Natural Tooth When It Is Crowned

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Dental crowns are more than tooth caps. What they do for your teeth is a lot more than just hold the teeth together. In fact, after a tooth has been crowned, all of the following benefits are experienced.  The Tooth Lives One of the biggest reasons your dentist opts to put a crown on a tooth is to save the tooth’s life. The crown goes over the shaped nub of the tooth (which is still a living part of your body).…

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Preventable Conditions That Cause Tooth Pain

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People who have experienced a toothache know how intense the pain can be. Whether the discomfort is intermittent or constant, it can be debilitating. The pain in a tooth can be caused by a number of preventable conditions that may surface from poor oral hygiene or a lack of dental care. Here are a couple of these conditions: Cavities A cavity is a hole in a tooth. The hole forms as the tooth material is demineralized by its exposure to acids in the mouth.…

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