Deciding On A Career In the Dental Field

Two Gingivitis Risk Factors For Females

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The female body is both vast and complex when it comes to the changes it withstands. While hormonal adjustments and a shift in outward appearance are two common marked changes, females also withstand changes as it pertains to their oral health. Some of these changes place them at a greater risk for dental conditions like gingivitis.   Gingivitis Gingivitis is a serious oral condition that is brought about from a bacterial infection.…

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Common Dental Bonding Questions Answered

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There are many different forms of damage that can harm your teeth and ruin your smile. However, many people are not particularly informed about or aware of the various treatment options that can be used to correct dental damage. In particular, dental bondings are a common way of correcting a variety of dental issues ranging from cavities to cracked teeth, but this procedure is often misunderstood by patients. Once you know the answers to the following couple of questions, you should be better able to determine if dental bonding is a good option for your problem.…

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Dental Risks Of Lighting Up: How Smoking Affects Your Dental Health

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It’s no secret that smoking is detrimental to your health, and while many smokers know that smoking can lead to bad breath and stained teeth, the more concerning dental risks are usually ignored. Below are three common dental risks associated with smoking and how they affect your dental health overall. Impaired Healing Tobacco can cause a number of issues relating to blood vessels and dental tissues, and this can negatively impact you in the event of a dental injury or procedure.…

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