Deciding On A Career In the Dental Field

Ways To Protect Your Dental Filling

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When you have a cavity in a tooth, your dentist will recommend removing it and filling it. This is called a dental filling. A dental filling will last for many years if you care for it properly, and here are some tips to help you care for your filling so that you can protect it. Take special precautions right after getting it The most vital time to care for a filling is right after you get it.…

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Six Ways To Know It's High Time To Get Dentures

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Your teeth play a very important role in your daily life, but if you’ve become suspicious that they’re just not performing up to par, it may be time to replace them. Dentures, for many people, offer a highly functional alternative to natural teeth when they’re simply no longer capable of doing their jobs the right way. If the following issues have happened to you, it may be high time to consider dentures.…

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Dental Crown Care

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If you have badly stained or chipped teeth, your dentist may have recommended dental crowns. A crown resembles a small jacket or cap that is placed over the natural tooth to enhance its appearance. Before your permanent crowns are placed on your teeth, temporary crowns will be used. Here are some tips to follow so that your dental crowns last as long as possible. Temporary Crown Care You’ll need to wait a couple of weeks or so before you get your permanent crown because that’s about how long it will take for the dental lab to create your permanent crown.…

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