If you had a dental implant put in years ago and you’ve never felt like it was done properly, it may be time to see an expert that does implant restoration. You want to get the implant fixed before you have other problems because of the tooth.
If the implant wasn’t installed correctly, or if it wasn’t the right size, you could end up with a lifetime of problems. Here are a few things to look for to see if you need to get a new implant put in your smile.…
Each year, root canals will be performed around 60 million times by dentists. It makes it a very common procedure that you may experience yourself one day. The cost and pain associated with root canals cause people to dread the procedure, which is a reason why you may want to avoid it in any way that you are able to. Try these ways to catch a potential root canal early and prevent the need for one.…
Whitening strips are available at grocery stores across the nation, but are they really a good idea? While evidence suggests that the strips are generally safe, they are typically not the most cost effective solution leading to whiter teeth. Additionally, they also come with their own set of risks. If you are thinking about using the whitening strips rather than visiting the dentist for a whitening session or trays with bleach gel, here are a few factors that might make you reconsider.…