Deciding On A Career In the Dental Field

How To Help Your Child Break Their Thumb-Sucking Habit

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Although sucking one’s thumb can be a natural habit, eventually your child needs to start to outgrow this habit. If your child continues to suck their thumb for too long, it could have consequences on their dental health. Consequences Of Prolonged Thumb Sucking It is okay for your child to suck their thumb when they are a baby. A baby sucks their thumb as a way to soothe themselves and it gives them a sense of security.…

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The Top Foods To Avoid To Protect Your Teeth

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Not all food is made equal, especially when it comes to how food affects your teeth. Here are the top foods that cause damage to your teeth. #1 Ice The only thing that ice should be used for is keeping your drinks cool. You should not chew or suck on ice. Ice is a really tough and strong material, and when you chew on it, it can cause real damage to your teeth.…

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4 Things You Probably Didn'T Know About Toothpaste

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Even though you use toothpaste on a daily basis, there are probably still a few things that you don’t know about it. #1 Fluoride Is The Primary Ingredient Although many modern toothpaste contain a wide variety of different ingredients, the primary ingredient in toothpaste is fluoride. Fluoride is one of the most effective ingredients at reducing tooth decay. Check your toothpaste and make sure that fluoride is on the ingredient list someone.…

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