Baby teeth eventually fall out, so the concept of filling a baby tooth that has decayed seems a little odd. You could just pull the tooth, too, right? You could, and in certain circumstances, that could be preferable, but filling the decay is also a viable option in other circumstances. You have to look at how much longer the tooth is likely to be present, as well as the condition of the tooth and how the child is reacting to the entire situation.…
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Many parents aren’t too worried when a child loses a baby tooth due to tooth decay or an injury. After all, the tooth was going to fall out eventually. Is it harmful if it falls out too early?
Unfortunately, a baby tooth that’s lost prematurely can lead to severe dental problems later in your child’s life as his or her adult teeth begin to erupt. The two teeth adjacent to the lost tooth can slightly shift into the empty space, which prevents the adult tooth in that location from erupting correctly.…
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It can be easy to get into a rut with your everyday routine, especially when it comes to tasks like brushing and flossing your teeth. Unfortunately, becoming too cavalier with these important tasks could result in tooth decay or gum problems, changing the way your smile looks, feels, and functions. Here are three tips for improving your dental routine and why you shouldn’t hesitate to reach out to a professional. …
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